Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Ok look here it goes. This is the first of (hopefully) many posts that I will do on all sorts of subjects and cool finds that the internet has to offer. I am starting this because 1, the other blog that I did, didn't pan out so well. I never kept up with it and to the readers of that one, sorry. 2, because I am currently going thru a divorce, and we all know how that is don't we? Yes we all know someone who has gone thru it of someone who is going thru it or you are or have gone thru it. I like som many others think that my ex is a nut case. The major difference here is I have documentation to prove it. No seriously I do. That will be another whole thing that I rant about, maybe a lot here and there and maybe not. 3, I need an outlet, other then friends, family, and the occasional random sranger that will just hear me out from time to time.

I have to be honest here, I have never really kept up with a blog, never even read one except the occasional post here and there but nothing really to take note of. I don't know what you would like to see here and to some degree your input is welcome, to another its not. If you don't like what I have to say, then turn away you don't have to protest or want to censor me, just go google something else or something!

Ok gee I think I will write a little that's on my mind for a few. I would like to say that meeting people online can be great and sometimes can be a real scary thing! I met someone online once, she was a great girl, we dated for over a year and then when I wanted to move things forward I found out that she had been dating someone else the entire time we were a couple. So much for that. I met my current love thru an online gaming experience. So far things have worked out well. I know I said I was married, I'll get to that too, I promise. The current woman seems to be everything I could want really. The sex is nothing to complain about, she seems willing to please and all that and more. So far all this is good. No, it's great (don't wanna brag or anything but...)! See strangers can be fun. Now about the soon to be ex wacko, ok ex-wife, sorry had to be politically correct there for a moment, I won't always be. We met dated and all that. Things were good as can be I guess. Things went where they should have and maybe at times where they shouldn't have, however that's for later. We are now splits-ville, done over, finished, complete. See she did things and I did things, I'll never say shes 100% at fault here, maybe 99% but never 100%. (Deal with it.) Long story short I can now really see that things had been down hill for a good long time. (Long long time.) Its amazing when I think about it all too, see she is being a lot like her mother, something I feared when her father told me about him and my ex's mother. (Yikes!!!) They too are divorced, should have listened better and maybe avoided this whole mess to begin with. Oh well, live and learn, or so I hope. (Time will tell.) I would like to mention how stable her family is now to give you some background. Her father has had more affairs then the pope has had boyfriends thru the years. (And I do mean boy friends not the lover types.) He has had more kids then even he can recall. He has had strokes up the wazoo and he was a "cabbie" at some points of his life and would trade rides for sex with some of the local hookers (okay maybe not. Depends who you ask and when and how much you believe.). Yep nice guy. Much of this while married, did I mention that he also had kid after kid with his wife and his mistress and some other floozies. (I don't really think poorly of them man. I get into this later too.) Oh well all in the name of fun I guess. Her mother is mentally ill (read bat shit cra cray.) and wastes her money on everything but what it was meant for. She loves to gamble and I do mean BIG TIME. Shes called to brag about having over $15,000 in a machine only to loose it all within the hour or so. The money she gambles away is not her own or I wouldn't care so much. She lives on SSI and gets checks for her children, and one of many of her ex hubbies, and a few other people. The outrage is that she lives on more then most people. She gets about $2,500 - $3,000 a month (low ball figure here). Damn nice if you ask me. She has a huge history of being evicted everywhere shes ever lived at (Not just non-payment of rent. Trash waist high. Animals and waste beyond muster of smells. Destruction of property You get the idea). Shes the type to get handouts from every place she can even if that means 5 Thanksgiving turkeys and no place to store the 4 that won't be cooked on that wonderful Thursday. Nice people huh? I thought so too. Until next time...