Sunday, April 2, 2017

It's been a while my friends...

"It's been awhile
Since I couldn't
Hold my head up high
And it's been awhile
Since I first saw you
And it's been awhile
Since I could stand
On my own two feet again
And it's been awhile
Since I could call you
And all the things I can't remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
The consequences that are rendered
I stretch myself beyond my means..."

Ok. Hi there. Look I gave you fair warning...I dont do these things so well. A lot has changed since...since well last time I'm happy. Yes me, ummm happy, happier than maybe Ive been in a long time. Maybe ever. Sure there are still issues with things but well who the hell doesnt have them? I mean if we were all 100% a-okay would we strive for more? Would we even know we were satisfied? Yeah I dont think so either. So let hit a few notes here. Join me for a few adventures here. So pull up a seat, have a stiff drink and stay a while. You wont be surprised, youll down right shocked at some of this shit. I am too. But well away we goooooooo...

So where to start? Not a clue.

So let me first start by saying if you have any questions speak up. Would love to chime in on anything you might question. Anyways. Well lets see...First I would like to acknowledge the fact a while back my ex-father-in-law died. Despite all his faults (I guess you could say there were many) he was a pretty cool and good guy. There were things about him that were good things that were bad and things that would make him, him. An original. I can honestly say Ive never known anyone like him. Not even close. He had more stories than Mother Goose. Had more faults than California. Knew more people than the number of full time people live in Alaska. He and all his self will be missed.

My oldest has long (over  year now) moved out. He does his own thing despite his mother poisoning him against me (but hey I'm just the step-dad, even if I did have guardianship of him and custody of his 2 half siblings. Minor miracle when you consider small county mentality made it next to impossible to get any custody as a male and even more impossible to receive child support either. Good story for another time. Maybe.)

Ex-mother-in-law has had a major life change. No no no. She still gambles but there is now a crimp in her side. She no longer gets what she gots. She has no children at home to abuse and take advantage of. She gets a small check and most if not all her money is accounted for and spent on here before she gets it. She ends up with not very much to flush down the video slot machine drains. Sad not sad. IMHO this was long long over due. She now also lives pretty far from the flashy, easy to get to, larger than life casinos. Now its also pretty costly just ot get out there, and without the expendable extra "income" shes high and dry and thus doesn't often get to drop it all on a few pulls of the handles. Ah well. Such as life. Joe Q Public, taxpayer, can rest easy knowing only the gov't is wasting their money in such crazy ways. Maybe.

My younger 2. They still live with me (always have). We have moved far from where we were. Far far away. Its a good thing. Yes the woman I was with is still in my life. We bought a house. Pay a fuck-ton in taxes (read good schools for the kids.) and have a ton of space. We are quite far from bat-shit-crazy-ex-wife.

Speaking of the ex. She's remarried. Now before you go feeling bad for that poor guy let me get a few things sorted out here a bit. She;s not yet gotten knocked up. Despite her and several guys trying. There was a lot of trying in there too. (Yeah I got to hear all about it all too often and all too much.) Its simply amazing what someone will go thru to try and get knocked up. I wont go into crazy details here but lets just say these few key lines about it. When you meet the new love of your life in a psyc-hospital you should think at least twice before deciding he is your go to impregnator. Yup. She met some dude and started a relationship in there. Not working on themselves for why they were in a locked unit and not allowed to even hold hands (even if they sat watching TV 16 hrs a day and held hands against the rules.) She soon had a few gentlemen callers. Mostly local drug addicts and the like. A few married and seeking something behind their wife's back quickie fun in the sack or in the car type thing. They came and I assume came from far and wide. Dating online is a real life changer for so many. She ran ads all over. OKCupid, POF, and most importantly the ever mighty CraigsList. Yup real great choices there. Most ads were run with the idea of NSA sex, lets have fun. The only due diligence she did on prospective "dates" that anyone could figure was an email to give them her exact address to show up to and what she wanted in return. Food, chocolates, flowers, money, take out, attention. That leads me to the next biggest deal. Attention. Well that's what she wanted most. Someone to love her. Hence the pregnancy trials. She figured a baby would love her. Always and forever. Even if she couldn't afford it. Even if it meant going off her meds making her slightly more stable. So in close on this for now her new spouse. Someone I give a ton of credit to. They both sought after a guy to knock her up for a while. Oh and her spouse is a real piece of work HERself. Yes she married a woman. Not that I care. I honestly dont. I could care less. I just find it amazing. 2 needy people like them found each other. (more on that at a later date.) So far so good. She's not yet gotten preggers and it seems the therapists and docs have convinced her at least for now to just not do it. THANK God. Until sooner than last time...